Robert Delaunay's Series Guggenheim Visions of Paris

Article number: 9780892071968
Availability: In stock
Delivery time: 14-21 Business Days

"An exhibition of Robert Delaunay's series is an idea full of resonance for the Guggenheim Museum. We are particularly rich in the holdings of this pioneering artist of Modernism. Indeed, with one example from the 'Saint-Severin' series, two from 'The City,' three from 'The Eiffel Tower,' and two from 'The Windows,' we were able to approach our colleagues and private collectors during the planning stages of this exhibition with the firm knowledge that a thorough examination of the subject would be mounted. Delaunay's achievements have always been related to those of his Cubist colleagues, but this exhibition should help to individualize his contributions. He not only added a coloristic dimension to the structural innovations of Cubism, but he also produced imaginative views of the modern city of Paris conveyed in a modern art style. In contrast to most of his fellow Cubist painters, he willingly accepted the ramifications of Cubism by exploring pure abstraction. Delaunay's advances were eagerly applauded and followed by artists in Germany, who then carried forth the mission of abstraction. Thus, Delaunay was not simply a member of the Cubist orbit, but a highly accomplished artist who created new directions during a time when many competing tendencies abounded."

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